A guarantee mark for natural wines
Currently, only France has an official certification for natural wines, the "vin méthode nature" which means "wine with natural method". The Union for the Defense of Natural Wines has existed since September 2019. Its objective is to gather a large community around the values (craftsmanship, transparency, independence, social dimension) and principles of production and dissemination of "vin méthode nature". The operational objectives are first of all to defend the so-called natural wine and its members before public institutions and bodies, to communicate about the commitment charter and the logo of "natural method wine" and to create a community of oenologists, wine professionals and consumers around so-called natural wine. There are two subdivisions, one without added sulfites and another with less than 30 mg per liter. Since 2020, the French Union has already validated 684 cuvees. 16 points define the commitment starting with an ecological certification of the wine, the criteria are strict and the procedure laborious to join the union. In Spain, we do not have this certification, only ecological labels and also Demeter for biodynamics but they do not guarantee a natural wine, that is to say a wine made without chemicals or industrial techniques during its vinification, from grapes grown using agroecological methods and harvested by hand.
So, to identify healthy wines, our Vi Natural project has created a visual badge "RAÏM I AU!" which simply means grape, guaranteeing our definition of natural wine. Simple, very clear and efficient. A recognizable visual that gives identity to the concept and which has been materialized in the form of a sticker for wine bottles, with the following objectives:
- to give visibility to the brand and to the winemakers who use it,
- to inform the consumer,
- to propose an ecological and inexpensive alternative to plastic or aluminum capsules placed on corks.
We have also put on sale a t-shirt in the Larouch store in Ondara. Handmade, here in the Marina, with organic cotton, always following a coherent line in our requirements and expectations.
Moreover, we intend to register a guarantee mark in order to make it available to winemakers who respect these conditions. A guarantee mark is a type of mark that certifies the common characteristics of products, services, elaborations or distributions by duly authorized and controlled persons by the mark holder: product quality and/or production area. It is regulated by the laws of the Spanish State. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is used by a plurality of companies under the control and authorization of the mark holder. As examples, we can mention the products of Emporda or Val d'Aran, the Gamba de Palamós or the Coca de Llavaneres. We started the promotion of Raïm i au! in the Alicante and Valencia area, but there are already winemakers from Catalonia who wish to wear the brand's colors. And why not inside of Spain or in France? It is also a way to promote our language, proud of what we are. It is a lot of work and a significant investment to create a brand like this. We need competent lawyers and a viable and practical solution to control the wines. So far, we have succeeded in everything we have undertaken and we benefit from the benevolence of Dionysus, nothing seems impossible.